
Biodeclean is a 100% biodegradable product and biosurfactant agent. It acts by breaking hydrocarbon chains and accelerating the bioremediation process in water and soil.

It completely eliminates pollutants from hydrocarbons and their derivatives, reducing them to CO2 and H2O.

It only contains enzymes, bacteria and water. It can be used in soil, oil sludge, mud, sediments, and tank residue.

It can be sprayed or injected. It is non-pathogenic, non-toxic and non-corrosive.


  • 100% biodegradable biosurfactant           
  • Water-based
  • Contains only enzymes and bacteria
  • Breaks the hydrocarbon chains in soil, sludge, oil sludge and sediments in tanks, waste water tanks and industrial water applications
  • Eliminates hydrocarbon contaminants
  • Non pathogenic, non-toxic and non-corrosive
  • Can be used on surfaces or is injected

Before and after pictures of bioremediation process performed in Colombia using BioDeclean and Brosplus®

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Hamburgo #182 Piso 4

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